What is a zodiac sign?
The Feudal Fief Faire is first and foremost an astrology faire. Astrology was invented by the ancient Greeks as a way to read the stars in order to predict the future. Ocean travel was really important to the Greeks as it was how they explored their world. Sailors used the stars to navigate, so it makes sense that they also looked to the stars for spiritual guidance. Zodiac signs are a huge part of astrology. Astrologers believe that a person’s personality is determined by the stars and planets in the sky when a person is born. Your sun sign refers to the time of year you were born and makes up a lot of your personality. In Alex’s world, there are different villages for each of the twelve sun signs. Which sign are you?
"I am"
March 20-April 19
Ruling Planet-Mars
Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, and his sign starts on the first day of spring, also known as the spring equinox. The spring equinox represents the zodiac new year and is one of two days in the year when the day is the same length as the night.
People born under the sign of Aries are a lot of fun to be around. They are adventurous, courageous, versatile, lively, positive, and passionate. Expect these fire starters to get things going but don’t expect them to finish. They can be stubborn, arrogant, impulsive, and confrontational. They lack discipline and tend to leave projects mid-way.
"I have"
April 20-May 20
Ruling Planet-Venus/Earth
Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac and is represented by a white bull. He is actually Zeus, just in bull form. He turned himself into a bull to impress a beautiful woman. Ah, the things Greek gods do for love.
People born under this sign are down-to-earth, generous, dependable, patient, independent, and persistent. While Aries like to jump into projects head-first, it takes a Taurus to get the job done. They also make great and loyal friends. As one of the two signs ruled by the planet Venus, they are attracted to all things beautiful and have great taste—especially in gemstones, which, after all, come from the earth. (The dwarves from Snow White and the Seven Dwarves were definitely all Tauruses.)
But like all the signs, they have their negative traits too. They can be, well, pretty bull-headed sometimes. They can also be stubborn, self-indulgent, lazy, materialistic, possessive and frugal.
"I think"
May 21-June 19
Ruling Planet- Mercury
Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac and is represented by a white bull. He is actually Zeus, just in bull form. He turned himself into a bull to impress a beautiful woman. Ah, the things Greek gods do for love.
People born under this sign are down-to-earth, generous, dependable, patient, independent, and persistent. While Aries like to jump into projects head-first, it takes a Taurus to get the job done. They also make great and loyal friends. As one of the two signs ruled by the planet Venus, they are attracted to all things beautiful and have great taste—especially in gemstones, which, after all, come from the earth. (The dwarves from Snow White and the Seven Dwarves were definitely all Tauruses.)
But like all the signs, they have their negative traits too. They can be, well, pretty bull-headed sometimes. They can also be stubborn, self-indulgent, lazy, materialistic, possessive and frugal.
"I feel"
June 20-July 22
Ruling Planet-Moon
Element- Water
The myth of Cancer the crab is a little bit of a let down. It’s based on the myth of the crab that was sent by the goddess Hera to distract Hercules while he battled the Hydra, a many headed water serpent. Hercules was able to kill both the sea monster and the tiny crab. Yeah, Hercules was kind of a jerk sometimes.
But from this humble beginning, came a wonderful astrological sign. Cancers are some of the best friends a person can have. They are loyal, loving, emotional, protective and great caretakers. They also make great artists, both creative and intuitive. Still, like all signs, they aren't perfect. They can be moody, pessimistic, clingy, overemotional, suspicious and have a tendency to nag. But these water signs make life-long friends.
"I will"
July 23-August 22
Ruling Planet-Sun
In Greek mythology, the Nemean lion is not a gentle kitten. Instead, he is a ruthless killer that ate people. He was nearly impossible to kill because his coat was impervious to weapons. So the task was left to Heracles as one of his twelve labors. After Heracles killed him, Zeus placed the lion in the stars as the constellation Leo.
Now, Leo might not have been a hero to the Greeks, but modern storytelling is much different. Both Harry Potter and Percy Jackson are Leos. And it’s easy to see why. People born under this sign are kind, brave, loyal, energetic, optimistic, and straightforward, but they also tend to be headstrong, stubborn, possessive, dominating, impatient, and arrogant.
"I analyze"
August 23-September 22
Ruling Planet-Chiron
The constellation of Virgo has been associated with several goddesses, including Astrea and Persephone But it seems most likely that it represents Demeter, goddess of the harvest. After Hades kidnapped her daughter Persephone, Demeter turned the world cold and dark. She refused to relent until Hades agreed to return Persephone for six months out of the year. Virgo’s month ends on the Fall Equinox, the first day of autumn, when Persephone must return to the underworld until spring begins.
It’s no coincidence that this sign corresponds with the “back-to-school” season. People born under this sign have all the qualities of a good student. (Think Hermione Granger whose birthday is September 1.) They are meticulous, intelligent, practical, organized, analytical, and modest. But they aren’t exactly the “think-outside-the-box” type. They can be overcritical, fussy, fastidious, harsh, conservative, and a wee bit judgmental.
"I Balance"
September 23-October 22
Ruling Planet-Venus
Libras are unique among the signs. The word zodiac means “circle of animals” because each sign is represented by an animal or person, except one—the scales of Libra. It’s the only one represented by an inanimate object. But that wasn’t always the case. Astraea goddess of Justice originally held the scales. But she became so disheartened by the cruelty of man that she abandoned her post. Still, it is prophesied that one day she will return and usher in a “Golden Age” of peace and prosperity for all of us.
Libras are ruled by the planet Venus, and as such, they are true romantics. They are also tactful, charming, just, diplomatic, and balanced. But they can be superficial, detached, unreliable, laid-back, indecisive, and a little self-indulgent.
"I desire"
October 23-November 22
Ruling Planet-Pluto
The story of Scorpio starts with Orion. He believed he’d be chosen as the next zodiac sign, but Aries was chosen instead. Out of anger, the great hunter threatened to kill all of the animals on earth. So, Gaia, mother earth, sent a giant scorpion down to kill him. The scorpion dragged him into the sea and drowned him. That is how this sign gained the reputation of being both a protector…and a little crazy.
People born under this sign are incredibly protective, determined, fearless, poised, loyal, ambitious, and intuitive. But this is not a sign to cross. They are jealous, secretive, resentful, controlling, and will fight to the death if crossed. They love for a lifetime, but they also hold a grudge for a lifetime.
"I explore"
November 23-December 20
Ruling Planet-Jupiter
TThe story of Sagittarius is one of self-sacrifice. Sagittarius, son of Cronos, wasn't a party animal like the other centaurs. He was an intelligent, highly educated teacher. One day, a young titan named Prometheus, creator of man, crept into the Hall of the Gods to steal some fire for his new creation. He was caught and sentenced to be punished for all of eternity. But Sagittarius believed that fire, like knowledge, should be shared and begged his brother Zeus to allow him to suffer the punishment instead. After seeing Sagittarius's noble sacrifice, Zeus relented and named Sagittarius the ninth zodiac.
People born under this sign are optimistic, straightforward, intellectual, philosophical, generous, and adventurous. But like all centaurs, they can still be wild and tend to be careless, tactless, restless, superficial, inconsistent, and overconfident.
"I use"
December 21-January 21
Ruling Planet-Saturn
Capricorn is also known as Pan, lord of the wild. During the gods' battle with Typhon, he saved the day by letting out "the call of the wild," and scaring the monster away. To escape after his heroic deed, he attempted to turn himself into a fish and jumped into the ocean to swim away. He did manage to escape…but he didn't manage to turn himself into a fish entirely. The front half of his body remained a goat, creating the mer-goat image we know and love today.
People born under this sign are practical, ambitious, prudent, disciplined, patient, and loyal but also pessimistic, stubborn, shy, self-centered, detached, and moody. Fun fact—Jesus, Severus Snape, and Lord Voldemort were all Capricorns.
"I discover"
January 22-February 20
Ruling Planet-Uranus
Aquarius doesn't always get the credit he deserves. Many people think he was just Zeus's boyfriend and the cup-bearer to the gods, but he was more than that. Intelligent and idealistic, he was a great thinker, and he used his water pitcher to bring rain to the entire world. So, pretty talented guy.
Aquarians tend to be friendly, humanitarian, intelligent, inventive, independent, and loyal, but they can also be unpredictable, inconsistent, detached, stubborn, aloof and extremist. Fun fact—it is currently the age of Aquarius, which means this guy is in charge now.
February 21-March 19
Ruling Planet-Neptune
The constellation of Pisces isn't represented by one fish but two. These two brave koi fish rescued Aphrodite and Eros during the gods' battle with the evil Typhon. For their bravery, Zeus placed them in the zodiac as the last and final sign.
People born under this sign tend to be imaginative, kind, compassionate, intuitive, sensitive, and selfless, but they can also be escapist, idealistic, weak-willed, over-sensitive, pessimistic, and lazy.